Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My days

I haven’t blogged much (not even to share my vacation pictures from weeks ago. EEK), because I have been one busy girl. School has started, and God has been so gracious in uncountable ways. He has given me strength, wisdom, new aquaintences, and even a new class right when I needed it!

What today looked like…

~6:00 am Rise and Shine (at least I tried anyhow!)
~ 6:40ish am Devotions
~ 7:20 am Bike Ride
~ 10:am Leave for School and Study until Noon
~ Noon eat lunch and attended AG club ice cream social! Yeah baby! Chat with student mentor
~ 1:15- 2:20 pm Study
~3:00pm – 5:00pm Food Safety and Current Events class. (Bum hurts while I sit at desk. Ouch… the reality of my 9.72 mile morning ride sinks in!)
~ 5:30pm dinner with Sis at Panera bread (Fuji Apple salad is my favorite!)
~7:00pm Home at last! Get breakfast/lunch/snack ready for Wed.
~ 7:45 pm Study


Anonymous said...

Thanks Cathryn for sharing your first day of school. I think of you often and also prayer for you.

Keep up the good work. Love Grandma G.

TRBC Ladies' Fellowship said...

9.72 miles...you go girl!

The Beauty of the Lord said...

Grandma...I SO appreciate your prayers. I have needed every one of them, especially since it seems like EVERYONE is sick with the flu and cold. I often wonder if the AG Computer lab isn't just an Incubation Lab that harbors infectious bugs particularly for college students. I think I have the Immunity Angel protecting me when studying there! :)

Happy Trails… :)

Gumbo Lily said...

You ARE a busy lady. Work hard.
