Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Defining 2013

If you could have one word that described your year what would it be?  This was the question Mom asked me one chilly Sunday evening as we took a walk bundled in our sweatshirts and beanies.  I guess it’s a popular thing going around in the blog-sphere…to pick a word that defines 2013. 

I thought about it and batted around different ideas before the word really landed on me.  Literally...that just kind of what happened.  It landed and I just had to catch it in time.  When I looked to see just what word I was holding I saw it was the word…


Perfect.  That is indeed my word for the year. 

 I want to be satisfied with God….with what He is…with what He is not….with what He gives… with what He withholds….with the unknowns…with the chronic fatigue….with the growth I am experiencing in my spiritual walk... with the reality that I cannot fix the problems my friends are facing….

Oh, there is so much more that I wish to be satisfied with, and yet it all revolves around being satisfied in God and His activity in my life and the lives of those around me: my family, my friends, my church and my nation.   It isn’t about quenching the insatiable desires with therapeutic things so that I don’t feel or want or pine for.  It is about my relationship with Jesus.  When satisfied with Him I can feel hurt or happiness fully, I can be full or lack, I can be perceived as an excellent or mediocre …. and it is all ok. 

If SATISFIED is the word to define 2013 for me…..what would yours be?


Anonymous said...

Beautiful...that's my one word for this blog post!
Love, T

The Beauty of the Lord said...

Thanks T...your are sweet!