Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sweet Home Tagged me!

What is my current obsession? Planning all the things I’ll do when school gets out (Like looking for a job…anybody?!!)

Which item of clothing do you wear most often? My newly resurrected jeans (the ones I couldn’t fit into for over a year—until now. Yeah!) and my yellow baby-doll top!

What's for dinner? Leftovers…Reheated beef stew and homemade bread.

What are you listening to? Classical music. Particularly the best of Hyden. Ahhh so calming!

Say something about the one that tagged you. My sweet, sweet sister who I appreciate more now than ever for her trust in God, her love for others and her courage.

Guilty Pleasure? M&Ms and ice cream (I was going to say Golden Spoon, but I am SO not guilty about that!)!

Favorite vacation spots? Colorado and Montana. Actually, Oregon ain’t so bad either!

What am I reading right now? Knowing God and The One Year of Christian History

Four words to describe myself. Busy, Enjoying-God, Loves-to-laugh, very-curious.

First Spring thing to do? Clean my room and my car. Oh, and shopping at on apen-air farmers' market!

What do I look forward to? Time and energy not claimed by school that I can spend on reading my own books and writing my own thoughts.

Let's see I'll tag:
~*~ Our Adoption Blog (if you can. I know you are busy as your adoption is soon to go through)

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