Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Series Part 3--All things...for Gods Plan

Suddenly, through the trees, a glitter of starlight flashed off steel…. Jesus stood up. He woke his friends. “Now is the time,” he said. “Everything written about me—what God has been telling his people all through the long years—it’s now coming true.”
And into the night, with burning torches and lanterns, with swords and clubs and armor, they came—an army to arrest him…
The guards marched Jesus off and took him to the Leaders.
The Leaders put Jesus on trial. “Are you the Son of God?’ they asked.
“I am” Jesus said.
Who do you think you are? To call yourself God. You must die for calling yourself the Son of God!”
Only the Romans were allowed to kill prisioners, so the Leaders made a plan "We'll tell the Romans, 'This man wants to be our king!' and then they will have to crudivy him!"
But it would be alright. It ws God's Plan.

“It was for this reason that I was born into the world,” Jesus said.

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