Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Crowds of Christmas Past

Here is a little something I wrote on the 21st of this month, three years ago! This is a narration of a real event. I thought it was appropriate for Christmas Eve (and those crazy enough to brave the crowds)!

I can see why many people don't enjoy the holidays. I normally do not feel any animosity towards this season; however, this particular Christmas seems alot crazier than previous ones. Picture this: All of the baking has to be done which means the cookies will need to be plated and the caramel corn put into tins. As you are packaging up these goodies you find that you are out of cookie platters and you are 3 tins short for the caramel corn. Down at the store the tins are more expensive than what you want to pay and there isn't one decent dessert patter around. You consider buying the plastic trays the are intended to go underneath house plants to catch water. This would be far more economical and easy, yet on second thought a little cheap. After all, the goodies are for Dad's co-workers who he happens to manage. Hmmm, yeah bad idea. While continuing the search for platters, you come across the gift wrapping isle and you remember that you will need ribbons to tie around the celo-wrap the you will wrap the cookie platters in. This means that you will need to get celo-wrap too. Unfortunately, the store is out of celo-wrap so you grab some snowflake bedecked foil along with a four-pack of ribbon. By this time it is 9:30 PM and the caramel corn tins are looking pretty cheap as are the Styrofoam pates that you stuffed in the cart. (You couldn't find decent cookie platters so Styrofoam would just have to do. At least they have Christmas trees on them).

You stand in the 20 foot long procession of last minute shoppers/bakers when unexpectedly you find that your spot in line is in the middle of the main isle way. A young woman tries to slide past you so you graciously move your cart out of her way only to find that she has she suddenly become stationary. She has cut in front of you! You look at the family member who graciously agreed to come with you and who has had mare then their share of crowds and decision making for the evening. They shrug. You smile (or is the a grimace?). Neither one of you says anything other than "Oh well, we'll get there sooner or later." And it is true. You slowly creep your way to the cashier and you leave with.... the basic idea of what you came for.!


Manda said...

Hello (this is Amanda) :) Hope you had a great Christmas, we did! Just wanted to let you know, too, that we used the recipe you posted for the caramel corn to make some of our Christmas gifts, and it was a major hit!

Hope you are doing well :)

The Beauty of the Lord said...

Welcome Leighways! It is so good to hear from you. Ahh yes, the caramel corn... fortunately I only made 1 batch of it this christmas. It is simply WAY too addicting!