Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Answer...

The silence has lasted far too long. It hasn’t been thanklessness that has hindered my fingers from giving updates. The delay began because I just didn’t’ know how to say it. I thought a lot about how I wanted to break the news. I even wrote down various rough drafts…some of which ended up stranded on a pieces of scrap paper at the bottom of my backpack while others still remain hidden in the back of a composition notebook where I had scribbled out an idea before class. After this first delay it was then the shear torrential momentum of this, my very last quarter in college that swept me along with very little time or energy for anything else. Until now, I haven’t had much energy to think of something clever or to even sit and type one more thing on the computer. So now I will abandon all attempt at cleverness and just say it ….

I got the dietetic internship! The one and only internship that I applied for.
As I have had more time to think about what this honor means for me in the next year, a host of emotions have accompanied the news. Amidst all of the happiness and uncertainty, I can whole-heartedly agree with Ruth Myers, author of 31 Days of Praise when she says…

“Thank You that I can move into the future non-defensively, with hands outstretched to whatever lies ahead, for You hold the future and You will always be with me, even to my old age…and through all eternity.”’

~ Ruth Myers, 31 Days of Praise, Day 5

God has truly been kind!


Alana said...

I SO happy for you!! Congrats!!!

The Beauty of the Lord said...

Thanks Alana! Welcome to TBOTL! I have been a poor blogger to follow as I don't post much...but I am so glad you popped in! :)