Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Redeeming the scraps...and time!

You have seen them before. Those little ity bitsy of scraps of paper...or ribbon...or twine that pepper your table (or floor).  They are the unavoidable residue after your grand project of scrap-booking, envelope-making, or gift-wrapping.

You sigh.

You brush them into a pile with the side of your hand, your fingers curling towards the doomed scraps. One final push and they flutter into the trash bin.

Before you do that again...WAIT!

Just recently I started re-using all of those ity-bity scraps of paper that I so often threw away after making pretty envelopes. Now I use save them for decorating cards.

After making a new friend (who happens to have rather creative mind) I got to rethinking the opportunities that these scraps and bits of extras left over from my bigger projects provided. Take a look at some of the cards I made with those extras...

Isn't it sweet how this little red piece comes out of the pocket?  I thought so!

These little bits remind me of those spare moments scattered throughout my day. How often I "throw away" that time considering them as "too small to be used." How wrong I am! The Lord desires that I use every itsy bit of my life and not just the big chunks for His kingdom purposes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so clever!. Especially using up a little bit of this and
that which normally would go into the waste basket. Have fun.