Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spring is here!

The sun beams it, the birds sing it, and now my blog photo further hails it...Spring is here! I have been very busy with school and as I am sure 100% of you have noticed, I have quite neglected my blog. However, the pleas of my dear mother were growing rather persistent regarding the very cold, very dark, and terribly "wintery" picture blog picture that I simply had to change it. No more, I told myself. No more deep mysterious shadows and muddy tire tracks biting through the frosty ground. Let the sunshine and tender buds piercing through the warm soil be allowed to advertise themselves with all the pomp and circumstance they can muster. Hopefully- sooner than later- I will share some of the latest and greatest pictures I have of my revamped garden. Until then, happy Spring!


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh. Much better...
Love, Tracy

Gumbo Lily said...

I like the new header! Happy Spring to you!

The Beauty of the Lord said...

And to you too Gumbo Lily! (Even though you are impacted in snow!) Hang tight for some pictures of my garden! : )